Reallusion iClone Pro — программа для создания трехмерной анимации. В ней пользователи могут найти уже готовых 3D-персонажей, а также все, что нужно для создания их виртуального жизненного пространства — одежду, реквизит, ландшафты. В iClone есть большая библиотека движений, которые можно задавать персонажам. Но самая интересная возможность программы — использование для лиц героев фотографий реальных людей. Для этого используется запатентованная технология FaceTrix, превращающая фотографию в трехмерный объект.
Проекты iClone можно использовать как для работы, так и в качестве 3D-скринсейверов, заставок для мобильных телефонов и DVD с домашним видео. Программа хорошо взаимодействует с редакторами 2D-графики, благодаря чему прощается редактирование текстур, а также поддерживает программы 3ds Max и Maya, при помощи которых можно создавать элементы библиотеки для персонажей. Все сцены могут быть визуализированы в реальном времени с учетом рельефа, отражений и прозрачности.
iClone позволяет в режиме реального времени создавать 3D анимацию с цифровыми актерами, окружающей средой, визуальными эффектами, редактирование методом перетаскивания и захватом изображения с Microsoft Kinect. Программа разработана для быстрого производства, творческого обучения и рентабельной предварительной визуализации. iClone позволяет создавать собственную анимацию, просто двигая тело перед любой системой Kinect Motion Capture.
Особенности iClone: • Пользовательские 3D головы из фотографий • Пользовательская одежда с CloneCloth • Аудио синхронизация губ • Деформация лица по уровню кости • Основные лицевые и телесные марионеточные деформации • Добавление и удаление ключевых кадров • Перемещение, копирование и вставка ключевых кадров • Переключение нескольких камер • Бесплатное моделирование из SketchUp • Бесплатные модели из 3D Warehouse • Перенос файлов форматов 3DS, OBJ, SKP с 3DXchange • Импорт изображений JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG, TGA • Импорт видео AVI, WMV • Импорт аудио MP3, WAV • Импорт спрайт видео popVideo • Экспорт последовательных изображений JPG, PNG, BMP, TGA • Экспорт GIF-анимации • Экспорт видео WMV, MP4, AVI, FLV, popVideo, iWidget • Экспорт FLV с кодом HTML • Выход 3D стерео • Выход полноэкранного HD
Особенности версии Pro: • Редактирование движения с HIK • Расширенные возможности работы с лицом • Расширенные возможности при работе с временной шкалой — редактирования слоя движения, переходная кривая, вставка и удаление рамки для целого проекта, контроль лупов или скорости движения • BVH конвертер • Дополнительный инструмент разработчика — базовая модель Plug-in
Intuitive Character & Motion Workflow Freeform body morphing and fashion layering design for custom character creation. Fully-rigged for body motion, mocap, lip-synch and facial animation.
Quintessential Animation with Professional Power Advanced tools for curve editing, PhysX simulating natural rigid body dynamics and soft cloth behavior, organic morphs, collision and constraints.
Active Directing with Camera, Lights and Props Command and control the production with real multi-camera system, cinematic timeline editing, complete lighting and scene setup.
Cinematic Real-time Visuals Encompassing artistic real-time 3D Visuals including PBR, IBL, and Global Illumination to achieve ultimate quality for speedy production.
Pipeline to 3D Tools and Game Engines Complete workflow to import and export rigged 3D characters, motions, camera, scenes and props.
Unlimited Expansion with Industry-Leading Plugins Powerful partner technologies incorporated to innovate rendering, dynamic materials, mocap and more.
On-demand Content & Community Assets Access to ready-to-animate characters, motions, accessories & props from branded content partners and featured artists.
Operating System: • Win 7 SP1 / Win 8 / Win 10 • Support for 64-bit operating system only
Minimum System Requirements: • Dual core CPU or higher • 4GB RAM • 5GB free hard disk space • Display Resolution: 1024×768 • Color Depth: True Color (32-bit) • Graphics Card: NVidia Geforce GTX 400 Series/ AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series • Video Memory: 1GB RAM
In version 7.8, iClone is compatible with the CC new Character Base (CC3+), the next generation digital human base. SSS shaders are available for props, accessories, hair, non-human, and non-standard characters. Several bug fixes. Added: New CC3 Base+ available. View Manual
Enhanced: Deleting items from the Content Manager will no longer delete them permanently, instead the items will be placed in the system’s trash bin. Recovery of said items is possible with Windows > Recycle Bin > Restore.
Fixed: — Loading files while the temp folder is full will cause the application to crash. File loading will now first check the available free space in the temp folder. For example, if the space available is less than 500 mb, then a message will appear. — Launching CC while the temp folder is full will cause the application to crash. File loading will now first check the available free space in the temp folder. For example, if the space available is less than 500 mb, then a warning message will appear. — iClone randomly crashes while baking IBL maps of 4K resolution or above. — iClone crashes when IES profiles are applied to certain spotlights. — The dialog window, that appears from double-clicking the material channel for texture change, freezes some of the time. — Cannot re-assign .popvideo files when the texture is missing. The missing video file dialog browser can only accept video extensions. — Morphed props (Modify > Morph Animator) converted to terrain do not work properly with characters that have Foot Contact activated, failing to act as the contact surface for the bottom of the feet.
Added: SSS shaders are now available for props, accessories, hair, non-human, and non-standard characters. View Manual Manual fix for semi-transparent artefacts is now available in Preference > Real-time Render Options > Order-independent Transparency.
Enhanced: Optimized Micro Roughness rendering with better grey levels and high contrast ratios that yield more micro details.
Fixed: — Unexpected flickering occurs in certain projects that contain a reflective prop and a dummy object during playback. Feedback Tracker — Improper default project Global Illumination settings: Diffuse > Bouse Strength set too low and Specular > — Tracing deactivated, makes it impossible for props to receive the Global Illumination effect. — Once a particle effect is given a glow texture, its glow effect can not be occluded and has a tendency to emit through blocking objects. — Water does not properly reflect a character’s hair and eyelashes that carry semi-transparent opacity maps — when Sky is shown. — 3D stereo videos exported from certain projects only have one side of the screen with the camera’s depth of field effect (Render > 3D Stereo > Side by Side). Feedback Tracker
Enhanced: — Edit Motion Layer — Hand Gesture Control. View Manual * New and fixed quadrant pose performances. * Implement quadrant blending. * Several finger joints can be controlled at a time (multi-selection does not work for the palms). * All finger joints can be adjusted.
Fixed: — Motion recorded from Motion Puppet > Move is not stabilized and has a slight forward and back jitter. — Curve Editor track is unselectable with touch screens, with the keyboard up and down arrows as the only viable workaround. Feedback Tracker — Results from Modify > Animation > Face Key > Expression > Style were not ideal for some characters. These have been updated for CC3 Base+ characters. Feedback Tracker — Moving the camera transform key in the Timeline causes a change of direction in the key’s path trajectory that leads up to it. Feedback Tracker — Difficult to tell which label belongs to which slider in the Animation > Face Key > Modify panel.
Added: Pose Offset for CC characters.
Fixed: Mesh deformation for certain characters imported iClone.
Fixed: iClone crashes when exporting certain characters FBX with the Unreal or Unity preset. Feedback Tracker Exporting a FBX character with the Unity preset changes the names of the character’s bones, but CC does not.
Added: — More realistic and natural talking animations can be achieved with the brand new AccuLips lipsync system. — New ExpressionPlus for CC3+ characters consist of 63 custom blend-shapes (52 Apple ARKit and 11 Tongue blend-shapes), providing the best performance for Facial Puppet, Face Key, and LIVE Face. Three types of sharable hair content types: rlHairStyle, rlHair, and rlHairElement. — Path to hair content (CC Hair and iC Hair) has changed to Part > Hair > Group > Hair > _Legacy to separate between iClone 7 and iClone 6 plus prior content. — New Root, ID, and Flow maps are now available for the Digital Human Hair shader for additional visual adjustments such as hair highlights, layering effects, etc. — New Talking Style Editor now available for Viseme clips can be used to effortlessly adjust the strength of the individual mouth shapes. A number of settings are also provided to address different scenarios. — New Smooth / Downsample functionality now available for Expression clips can smooth out noise in motion data. The new Clip Speed dialog window can be used to adjust a clip’s duration according to percentage or frame count. — New Auto-Blink option can be conveniently accessed right inside Facial Puppet to prevent from unwanted eyelid movement when recording new expression clips. The settings will be stored with the character upon save, and is linked to the Auto-Blink setting inside the Modify Panel. — Be able to align preview region to a selected clip, the new Set Start/End Frame to the Selected Clip function is now available in the timeline. — Face Key Muscle panel now provides two additional expression sets: ExPlus and ExPlus-Tongue. — Face Key Expression panel now provides 4 example sets of ExPlus. — Every expression set in the Face Key Expression panel now comes with the Default functionality with the ability to reset to factory settings. — Face Key Modify panel has now expanded to 64 slots. — 7 new ExPlus Profile sets to Facial Puppet. — Facial Puppet has three new key modes: — New: Create brand new motions. — Blend: Combined animation effect using a mask. — Replace: Multipass recording by replacing the current animation within a masked area. — Custom Expression morphs have extended from 24 to 64 slots. — Be able to import Alembic (.abc) point cache animation.
Enhanced: — Improved usability of the Face Key user interface by fixing the layout, adding a search function, and the ability to rename custom sliders. — Face Puppet now takes the screen width as a guide for the input area, making it easier to understand the size and location of the input region. Calculation for the input area ratio for dual-screens has also been fixed. — Using Select Color gives immediate visual feedback (for Diffuse, Ambient Color, etc.) — New default project path inside preference settings. — New Stop Timeline Scrolling feature in the preference settings allows you to toggle playhead follow during playback. — New mute and solo features for the Audio track for the character’s sound and voice tracks. — Show/Hide status in the scene manager will now save with the project. New Sensitive option for Face Keys.
Fixed: — Look At saved as MotionPlus causes the eyeballs to jutter. — Remove Object Animation failes to erase Path Offsets key. — Size of the textures in an exported FBX file is adversely influenced by the Max Texture Size in the Preference settings. — Look Weight not working properly for Look At — Look At does not follow the position of the pivot point. — Pressing the «E» hotkey inside the Edit Motion Layer panel fails to change Local Rotate to World Rotate. — Sound loss after audio clip break. Now supporting wav files with 24 bits per sample. Feedback Tracker — LHand and RHand do not support Add Key, however, the interface has not been fool-proofed. — Application will sometimes crash when subdividing non-quad faces. — Nvidia driver’s transparency anti-aliasing super sampling conflicts with Order-indepent Transparency. — iClone crashes when enabling subdivision on objects without UV maps. Feedback Tracker — The eye elements (tearline and occlusion mesh) fail to hide with the rest of the CC3+ character when Modify > — Attribute > Display > Invisible is set. — Objects without smoothing groups fail to load into iClone and 3DXchange. — Inaccurate progress bar when rendering image sequences.
Информация о программе: Год выпуска: 2021 Платформа: Windows® 7/8/8.1/10 (64-bit only) Язык интерфейса: Английский / English Лекарство: Встроено в установщик (Pre-Activated) Размер файла: 1.5/1.45 GB