Windows 10 PE AnkhTech — загрузочный диск на базе Windows 10 PE x64 — для обслуживания компьютеров, работы с жесткими дисками и разделами, резервного копирования и восстановления дисков и разделов, диагностики компьютера, восстановления данных, антивирусной профилактики и установки ОС Windows.
More Programs, More Drivers, More Features
— Main Changes: —
— Fixed the black screen freeze for 30 Sec with Ventoy, fixed the delay in booting up
— Finally after long time, Apps To Ram feature has been added
now you can use it and then just unplug your flash drive
all the programs will be usable after unplugging your Flash Drive
— Now if you have NVDA installed on Your PC, and you boot up on this PC
Your Installed NVDA will be started automatically after booting, also you can format your PC or re install a new Windows if you want, because NVDA got copied from your Old Windows to the Ram before starting it
— Added Latest AHCI/RAID Drivers
— and at last, the name has been officially Changed from «Win10 PE AnkhTech» to «AnkhTech WinPE»
= Programs Added: —
Registry Workshop
Primo RamDisk
Radmin Viewer
System information Viewer
HDD Regenerator 2024
Hasleo Backup Suite
Hasleo Data Recovery
Windows Recovery
= Programs Updated: —
AOMEI Partition Assistant
AOMEI backupper
Crystal Disk Info
R-Drive Image
EaseUS Partition Expert
if you found any problems with the updated programs or the new programs, or any other problem
tell me down below in the comments, i always read all comments and answer them if needed
Fixes / New Features:
— For the first time, and beyond all expectations, now AnkhTech WinPE Supports NVDA and Narrator
so now AnkhTech WinPE can be used by Blind people too
after booting up, once you hear the Scary startup music
just Press Ctrl + Alt + Z to start NVDA Screen Reader or Windows Key + Ctrl + Enter to Start Narrator
we would love to hear some feedback about it if it’s functioning properly or not
— Added a big amount of drivers related to the Missing Disk/NVME issue
the Drivers Gets installed after booting up automatically through a CMD window that appears next to the start menu
i hope that fixes the issues, looking forward for some feedback after testing from whoever had the issue
— Some Programs has been re organized in different categories
— Most of the Programs now available in the Mini
— The Information on the website has been updated
— Fixed some of Acronis Issues
Контрольные суммы:
CRC32: 0E8E599F
MD5: 4032F69E7DA859C4CAB9DF88DC981D55
SHA-1: 1C1F258FD1018588DE25C26247CC12528A3DC523